Helping Individuals Who Have Been Hurt By Others

Des Moines Iowa Sexual Harassment And Sexual Discrimination Attorney

Sexual harassment and sexual discrimination create miserable work environments that interfere with a person’s ability to perform their job. In both cases, however, the behavior must be overt, demonstrable, and documented in order to prepare a convincing case for litigation. At the law office Roxanne Conlin & Associates, we hold employers and companies responsible for sexual harassment that interferes with our client’s right to a discrimination-free work environment. Working with investigators, handwriting analysts, and computer experts, we recover sexually suggestive emails, inappropriate memos, crude pictures, sexually explicit phone messages, and eyewitness testimony documenting sexual harassment and discrimination in the work place. We subpoena human resources records as well, to determine if complaints were filed, if a history of harassment exists, and if any action was taken to protect you.

You don’t have to put up with sexual harassment or sexual discrimination — contact employment law attorney Roxanne Conlin today. We will evaluate your case and explain the legal options available to you.

Forms of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Discrimination

Sexual harassment and discrimination can come in different forms. In general, the following kinds of behavior and actions on the part of employers and co-workers constitute sexual harassment and sexual discrimination:

  • Sexually suggestive emails
  • Unwanted touching – pinching, caressing, grabbing
  • Sexually explicit pictures posted in the work environment
  • Continued unwanted overtures
  • Comments about getting a promotion if you wear more revealing clothes
  • Comments claiming a certain job can only be done by a man (or a woman)
  • Sexually explicit or derogatory jokes
  • A pattern of promotions (or hires) of young, attractive women (or men)

How to Protect Yourself — Documenting Sexual Harassment

If you are subjected to any of the above on a regular basis, save any emails, pictures, or phone messages that document your experiences at work. While you may have been instructed to report any harassing or discriminatory behavior to your human resources department, HR directors are rarely advocates for employees. Since HR departments are beholden to the very management that is sometimes engaged in discriminatory or harassing behavior, they often protect a manager or supervisor viewed as “more valuable” to a company than a regular employee.

Additionally, they will almost always approach the manager to get their side of the story. If the threat of legal liability becomes evident, HR departments usually “circle the wagons” in order to protect the company – not you. In order to protect your job and build your case, it is best to first contact an experienced sexual harassment lawyer to determine 1.), if you have grounds for bringing a lawsuit; 2.) what you should do to protect your job; and 3.) what documentation you need in order to support your case.

Breaking the Silence — Taking the First Step

Unfortunately, victims of sexual harassment and gender discrimination sometimes feel intimidated or ashamed to step forward. Not only does this enable harassers, it leaves them in place to do the same to others. As an employment lawyer and vigorous advocate of women’s rights, Roxanne Conlin establishes a balance of power between you and your employer, exposing patterns of harassment and the abuse of power. We demand nothing less than just compensation for our client’s losses and pain and suffering.

To demand accountability and justice, contact employment law attorney Roxanne Conlin today.